Tag: Mindful MBA

  • Hidden motives

    I read an article last week that took about 5 minutes to zip through. A week later, I’m thinking about those 5 minutes. Also, in my typical style, I’ve told everyone I know – including you – about it.

  • Renewable

    I’m a recovering over-achiever. Not that I don’t still try to do my best, and still regularly push myself beyond my limits (note the “recovering” in the description), but over the past few years I’ve become more aware of both the behaviors that lead to that pushing, but also the mindset from which they originate.…

  • Monday Moment: Hustle or flow

    We all want to be seen for exactly who we are. Yet, when we step out into the world, we’re afraid to show who that is. We focus outward, and ask ourselves, “Who do I need to be in order to succeed in this space?” Adaptability is a survival skill. It helps us belong, which…